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Int. j. morphol ; 41(5): 1304-1309, oct. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521013


Los trabajos realizados sobre batoideos han demostrado que existen grandes variaciones en la musculatura de la región cefálica ventral, estos cambios están asociados a los diferentes estilos de vida de los organismos y por tanto, a los mecanismos de alimentación. El objetivo de este trabajo fue llevar a cabo un estudio comparativo de la morfología de la musculatura cefálica dorsal y ventral de dos especies de la familia Narcinidae: Narcine vermiculatus y Diplobatis ommata. Se observó que ambas especies comparten un patrón morfológico común. Los músculos que mostraron mayores variaciones en la región dorsal fueron el depresor rostral, el preorbital lateral y el elevador rostral. La diferencia más importante en esta región, entre ambas especies, fue la ausencia del músculo cucularis en D. ommata. En la región ventral las principales diferencias se observaron en los músculos depresor mandibular, preorbital medial, interbranquial y depresor hiomandibular. Este último músculo está formado por dos paquetes en D. ommata, en tanto que en N. vermiculatus por uno. Se puede concluir que la morfología de la musculatura cefálica es constante; sin embargo, se observan diferencias importantes en el grado de desarrollo de los músculos tanto en la región dorsal como en la ventral.

SUMMARY: Works conducted on batoids have revealed large variations in the musculature of the ventral cephalic region, associated to the different lifestyles of these organisms and, therefore, to their feeding mechanisms. This work aimed to conduct a comparative study of the dorsal and ventral cephalic muscular morphology of two species of the family Narcinidae: Narcine vermiculatus and Diplobatis ommata. It was observed that both species share a common morphological pattern. Muscles with larger variations in the dorsal region were the rostral depressor, the lateral preorbital and the rostral elevator. The most relevant difference in this region between both species was the absence of the cucularis muscle in D. ommata. In the ventral region, the main differences were observed in the mandibular depressor, medial preorbital, interbranchial and hyomandibular depressor muscles. In D. ommata, the latter is formed by two packages, and by one in N. vermiculatus. It can be concluded that the cephalic musculature is constant; however, significant differences are observed in the muscle development degree in both the dorsal and the ventral regions.

Animais , Músculo Esquelético/anatomia & histologia , Elasmobrânquios/anatomia & histologia , Cabeça/anatomia & histologia , Variação Anatômica
Int. j. morphol ; 40(1): 37-45, feb. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385575


RESUMEN: Los estudios sobre sistemática y anatomía han revelado que las características del esqueleto de los batoideos muestran gran variabilidad y proporcionan información importante sobre las relaciones de parentesco de este grupo, es por ello que el objetivo de este trabajo fue describir la morfología del neurocráneo de ocho especies de batoideos. Los batoideos estudiados mostraron grandes variaciones principalmente en el rostrum, número de fontanelas, orientación de las cápsulas nasales y en la condición y desarrollo de los procesos pre y postorbitales. Las variaciones presentes en las especies estudiadas nos permitieron agrupar a los cráneos en tres morfotipos. El primero incluye a Narcine bancroftii; este morfotipo presenta características únicas, como son un rostrum cuadrado y cartílagos anterorbitarios ramificados; no presentan procesos preorbitales y postorbitales, cresta supraorbital ni apéndice rostral. El segundo morfotipo está formado por Rostroraja texana y Pseudobatus lentiginosus, los cuales tienen un rostrum bien desarrollado con un apéndice rostral en la región anterior, dos fontanelas, arcos yugales en la región occipital y procesos preorbitales y postorbitales poco desarrollados. El tercer morfotipo incluye a las especies de miliobatoideos los cuales tienen un rostrum reducido o ausente, un apéndice rostral separado del cráneo, con una fontanela y procesos preorbitales y postobitales desarrollados. La mayoría de las especies presentan variaciones morfológicas a lo largo de su desarrollo, por lo que al llevar a cabo estudios filogenéticos es importante utilizar caracteres de organismos adultos.

SUMMARY: Systematics and anatomy studies have revealed that characteristics of the batoids skeleton show significant variability and provide relevant information on the phylogenetic relationships of this group. Within this framework, our objective is describing the neurocranium morphology in eight species of batoids. Large variations were found, mainly in the rostrum, number of fontanelles, orientation of nasal capsules, and the condition and development of the pre- and post-orbital processes. These variations allowed us to group these craniums in three morphotypes. The first, including Narcine bancroftii, has unique characteristics, such as a squared rostrum and branched anterorbital cartilages; there are no pre-or post- orbital processes, supraorbital crest or rostral appendix. The second morphotype includes Rostroraja texana and Pseudobatus lentiginosus, which have a well-developed rostrum with a rostral appendix in the anterior region, two fontanelles, jugal arches in the occipital region, and pre- and post-orbital processes poorly developed. The third morphotype includes myliobatoids species, which have small or absent rostrum, rostral appendix separated from the cranium, one fontanelle, and developed pre- and post-orbital processes. Most species have morphological variations throughout their development; therefore, when conducting phylogenetic studies, using characters from adult specimens is fundamental.

Animais , Crânio/anatomia & histologia , Variação Anatômica , Peixes/anatomia & histologia , Esqueleto/anatomia & histologia
Anat Rec (Hoboken) ; 304(3): 613-624, 2021 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33029915


Although skeletal and muscle anatomy has supported Gymnuridae as the sister group of the most derived myliobatoids, recent studies based on molecular characters suggest that the family branches into a more basal position than previously thought. This study aims to understand the brain anatomy of the genus Gymnura and its importance in the evolution of the batoid brain. The brain anatomy of Gymnura lessae and Gymnura marmorata is relatively simple. They exhibit a small brain and telencephalon (T), where the latter is wider than it is longer, and the division of the posterior central nucleus is poorly developed. The cerebellum (C) is symmetrical and is not highly foliated. Unlike other species, the brain auricles are smooth, and the posterior auricles exhibit a diagonal arrangement, not always forming a bridge over the fourth ventricle. These auricles are larger in G. marmorata. A principal component analysis based on 20 morphological variables, revealed a separation between species, and multivariate analysis of variance identified significant differences. The most important variables in species segregation were a deeper olfactory bulb in G. lessae and a greater distance between the bulbs in G. marmorata. Contrary to the body anatomy, the brain anatomy reveals that Gymnura has a simpler and more primitive brain than most derived myliobatoids. Our results are consistent with the evidence from phylogenies developed with molecular data, where gymnurids are a basal group within myliobatoids.

Evolução Biológica , Encéfalo/anatomia & histologia , Elasmobrânquios/anatomia & histologia , Animais , Filogenia
Int. j. morphol ; 38(2): 499-504, abr. 2020. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056468


Several studies on the elasmobranchs neuroanatomy have shown that their brain is more complex than previously thought, and had significant intra and interspecific variations. The objective of this work was conducting a comparative encephalic neuroanatomy study of two species of genus Myliobatis. In total, 16 organisms of genera Myliobatis californica and Myliobatis longirostris, collected in the coasts of Kino Bay, Sonora, Mexico, were used. In Myliobatis, the brain has a long telencephalon and the posterior central nucleus is poorly developed. Their cerebellum is asymmetric, has several sulci, most of which are transversally oriented, with four lobes (anterior, medium and two posterior), a condition which has not been reported for any other species. It was observed that, despite the morphology of M. californica and M. longirostris is similar, there are some significant differences. Both species have moderate foliation, but M. californica has more sulci. In the diencephalon of M. californica, it was observed that the lobes of the infundibulum are oval-shaped and separated, while in M. longirostris, such lobes are rounded and near the medium line. It has to be highlighted that Myliobatis belongs to the most derived batoid group; nevertheless, its brain is considerably less complex, as compared to what has been reported for the most derived milyobatoids species.

Diversos estudios sobre la neuroanatomía de los elasmobranquios han demostrado que el cerebro es más complejo de lo que se pensaba y presenta considerables variaciones tanto intra como interespecíficas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar un estudio de neuroanatomía comparada del encéfalo de dos especies del género Myliobatis. Se utilizaron un total de 16 organismos de Myliobatis californica y Myliobatis longirostris, los cuales fueron colectados en las costas de Bahía Kino, Son., México. El cerebro de Myliobatis tiene un telencéfalo largo, el núcleo central posterior está poco desarrollado; el cerebelo es asimétrico, presenta surcos que en su mayoría están orientados transversalmente, con cuatro lóbulos (anterior, medio y dos posteriores), condición que no ha sido reportada para otra especie. Se observó que, aunque M. californica y M. longirostris presentan una morfología similar existen ciertas diferencias. En ambas especies presentan una foliación moderada; sin embargo, en M. californica se observan más surcos. En el diencéfalo de M. californica se observa que los lóbulos del infundíbulo son ovalados y están separados, mientras que en M. longirostris son redondeados y se encuentran próximos a la línea media. Es importante señalar que, pese a que Myliobatis pertenece al grupo de batoideos más derivado, su cerebro es considerablemente menos complejo de lo que se ha reportado para las especies de miliobatoideos más derivadas.

Animais , Rajidae/anatomia & histologia , Encéfalo/anatomia & histologia , Telencéfalo/anatomia & histologia , Cerebelo/anatomia & histologia
Int. j. morphol ; 35(3): 831-839, Sept. 2017. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-893060


Skeleton of batoids has been important to outline kinship relations in this group. Therefore, the objective of this work is describing the anatomy of five species of genus Urotrygon. Skeleton of Urotrygonids displayed a common morphological pattern, with the following differences: 1) preorbital processes are reduced in Urotrygon nana and Urotrygon munda, and developed on all other species; 2) the first postorbital process is reduced in U. nana and U. munda; 3) the first hypobranchial cartilage is fragmented only in Urotrygon rogersi; 4) only Urotrygon aspidura had a bridge in the basibranchial cartilage; lateral processes of the synarcuale in U. aspidura are long and thin, while short and wide in U. nana and U. rogersi; 6) U. nana has only one single fenestra in its pectoral girdle, while other species have two; 7) In U. nana and U. munda the mesopterygium is rounded, but in all other species it is elongated in its anterior part; 8) U. nana y U. munda have a more arched pelvic girdle. Species with more plesiomorphic characters are U. nana and U. munda.

El esqueleto de los batoideos ha sido importante para establecer las relaciones de parentesco de este grupo. Es por ello que el objetivo del presente trabajo fue describir la anatomía de cinco especies del género Urotrygon. El esqueleto de las especies de urotrigonidos mostró un patrón morfológico común; sin embargo, se observaron las siguientes diferencias: 1) los procesos preorbitales están reducidos en Urotrygon nana y Urotrygon munda, en el resto de las especies están más desarrollados. 2) El primer proceso postorbital está reducido en U. nana y U. munda. 3) El primer cartílago hipobranquial se fragmenta únicamente en Urotrygon rogersi. 4) Solo en Urotrygon aspidura el cartílago basibranquial presentó un puente. 5) Los procesos laterales de la sinarcualia en U. aspidura son largos y delgados, mientras que en U. nana y U. rogersi son anchos y cortos. 6) En la cintura pectoral U. nana presenta una sola fenestra, en el resto de las especies hay dos. 7) En U. nana y U. munda el mesopterigio es redondeado, en el resto de las especies está alargado en su parte anterior. 8) La cintura pélvica está más arqueada en U. nana y U. munda. Las especies que presentaron los caracteres más plesiomórficos fueron U. nana y U. munda.

Animais , Rajidae/anatomia & histologia , Esqueleto/anatomia & histologia
Int. j. morphol ; 34(1): 7-12, Mar. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-780467


This work aims to describe the morphology of dorsal and ventral cephalic musculature in five species of genus Urotrygon. Muscular differences were observed, mainly in the development level. Muscles showing certain degree of variation in the dorsal region were the cucullaris and the ethmoideo-parethmoidalis. In ventral view, higher variation was observed. Muscles showing differences were the depressor rostri, the depressor hyomandibularis, the preorbitalis medial, the coracohioideus, and the depressor mandibularis. Urotrygon aspidurus was the species with the largest differences, as it has no mandibular depressor, and the rostral depressor is quite developed. The shape and arrangement of cephalic musculature in Urotrygon is similar to that reported for genus Urolophus and Dasyatis, however, it is different from that of most specialized myliobatoids.

El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo describir la morfología de la musculatura cefálica dorsal y ventral de cinco especies del género Urotrygon. En los músculos de la región cefálica dorsal y ventral se observaron diferencias, principalmente en el grado de desarrollo. Los músculos que mostraron cierto grado de variación en la región dorsal fueron el cucularis y el etmoideo paraetmoidal. En vista ventral los músculos que mostraron diferencias fueron el depresor rostral, el depresor hiomandibular, el preorbitalis medial, el coracohioideus y el depresor mandibular. Urotrygon aspidurus fue la especie que mostró mayores diferencias ya que no presenta el músculo depresor mandibular, y el depresor rostral está muy desarrollado. La forma y disposición de la musculatura cefálica de Urotrygon es similar a la reportada para especies de los géneros Urolophus y Dasyatis, sin embargo, es diferente a la de los miliobatoideos más especializados.

Animais , Peixes/anatomia & histologia , Cabeça/anatomia & histologia , Músculos/anatomia & histologia
Int. j. morphol ; 32(4): 1152-1155, Dec. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-734651


El grupo de los Torpediniformes representa una de las líneas ancestrales de los batoideos cuya ruta evolutiva ha seguido una línea separada del resto de este grupo. No se han realizado estudios sobre la morfología del encéfalo de Diplobatis ommata, es por ello que el objetivo de este estudio fue describir la anatomía del encéfalo y pares craneales de esta especie. Los organismos fueron colectados en Zihuatanejo, Guerrero, México. El encéfalo se obtuvo por medio de la técnica de disección convencional. El encéfalo de Diplobatis ommata es similar al de los tiburones basales, sin embargo, presenta una vesícula eléctrica, característica de Torpediniformes. Las estructuras más grandes del encéfalo son los bulbos olfatorios y la médula oblongada. El telencéfalo es reducido y el cerebelo presenta simetría bilateral y es prácticamente liso. La disposición de los pares craneales es similar a la que presentan otros grupos de batoideos, sin embargo, la inervación de los pares craneales VII, IX y X se modifica, ya que además de inervar a las regiones descritas convencionalmente, inervan también a los órganos eléctricos.

The Torpediniformes group is one of the ancestral batoid lines, the evolution of which has followed a line separated from the rest of this group. No studies have been conducted on the brain morphology of Diplobatis ommata. This is why the objective of this work is describing the anatomy of the brain and the cranial nerves of this species. Organisms were collected in Zihuatanejo, Guerrero, Mexico. The brain was obtained through conventional dissection techniques. The brain of Diplobatis ommata is similar to that of basal sharks; however, it has the electric vesicle typical in Torpediniformes. The largest encephalic structures are the olfactory bulbs and medulla oblongata. The telencephalon is reduced, while the cerebellum has bilateral symmetry and is almost smooth. Disposition of cranial nerves are similar to other batoid groups; but innervation of pairs VII, IX and X is modified: they innervate regions conventionally described, but also electric organs.

Animais , Rajidae/anatomia & histologia , Encéfalo/anatomia & histologia , Nervos Cranianos/anatomia & histologia
Int. j. morphol ; 30(2): 705-708, jun. 2012. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-651855


El esqueleto caudal constituye una importante herramienta para evaluar las relaciones ancestro-descendencia de los peces teleósteos. Por tal motivo, se realizó un análisis osteológico comparativo de dicha estructura, a partir de ejemplares de las especies Achirus lineatus (Linnaeus, 1758) y A. mazatlanus (Steindachner, 1869), obtenidos de colecciones científicas de referencia y recolectados in situ en Veracruz y Baja California Sur (México). Los organismos fueron identificados con claves taxonómicas especializadas y procesados mediante la técnica de aclaración y tinción diferencial, para evaluar las posibles similitudes o diferencias en las estructuras que componen al complejo caudal. Achirus lineatus y A. mazatlanus se caracterizan por la presencia de una fórmula caudal compuesta por 1 epural + 5 hipurales + 1 parahipural, además de una espina neural y dos espinas hemales; así como por la presencia de 16 radios principales y la ausencia de los radios procurrentes y el uroneural. Asimismo, se observo que en la especie A. lineatus, los hipurales se encuentran más cercanos uno del otro; sin embargo, en lo general, no se aprecio una clara diferencia en los elementos que componen la aleta caudal de las especies bajo estudio. Por consiguiente A. lineatus y A. mazatlanus son consideradas como especies fraternas.

The caudal skeleton is recognized as an important source of information for establishment of teleostean interrelationships. A comparative analysis of the caudal skeleton of Achirus lineatus (Linnaeus, 1758) and A. mazatlanus (Steindachner, 1869) was performed, based on the examination of specimens from biological museums and others materials collected in Veracruz localities and Baja California Sur (Mexico). The specimens were identified using taxonomic keys and processed by means of clearing and staining methods, in order to determine the differences and similarities on the elements that characterized the caudal complex of this species. The caudal formula in A. lineatus and A. mazatlanus is composed by: 1 epural + 5 hypurals + 1 parhypural, one neural and two hemal spines, as well as the presence of 16 principal rays and absence of procurrent rays and the uroneural bone. The hypural in the A. lineatus are closer together; however, in general, differences were not observed among the species. Therefore, A. lineatus and A. mazatlanus are established as sister species.

Animais , Osteologia/métodos , Linguados/anatomia & histologia , Esqueleto , México , Especificidade da Espécie
Anat Rec (Hoboken) ; 290(7): 920-31, 2007 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17516449


A comparative anatomical study was conducted among four mobulid species (Mobula japanica, M. munkiana, M. tarapacana, and M. thurstoni), from the coasts of the Gulf of California. Characters of the skeleton (neurocranium, mandibles, scapular girdle, pelvic girdle, and synarcual) were described. Mobula species had a wide structural variation. In the skeleton, M. tarapacana displayed the most plesiomorphic characters, mainly at the cranial level (cranium longer than wide, reduced internasal width, fontanelle longer than wide), while M. japanica had the most derived characters (cranium wider than longer, fontanelle wider than longer). Based on the observations, the dorsal cephalic musculature were similar in all species; however, oppositely to other batoid species, the epiaxilis is strongly developed, as it extends toward the cephalic part of the neurocranium, at level of the postorbital processes. In the ventral musculature, ventral constrictor muscles are quite reduced, whereas complex mandibular muscles are very developed. Muscles showing the highest variation are the coracohioideus and the coracoarcual.

Osso e Ossos/anatomia & histologia , Músculo Esquelético/anatomia & histologia , Rajidae/anatomia & histologia , Animais , Cefalometria , Pelvimetria , Pelve/anatomia & histologia , Escápula/anatomia & histologia , Rajidae/classificação , Crânio/anatomia & histologia , Especificidade da Espécie , Coluna Vertebral/anatomia & histologia
J Morphol ; 262(1): 517-35, 2004 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15352206


The anatomy of species belonging to the superfamily Myliobatoidea was examined with the aim of better determining their phylogenetic relationships. A wide variation among genera was observed in skeletal anatomy, despite the fact that they all share a common morphological pattern. However, variation among species of the same genus was low, excepting Mobula. Dorsal musculature showed a substantial consistency, except for the epiaxialis muscle, which was larger in rhinopterids and mobulids. Variation in the ventral muscles was low among species of the same genus, but considerable among different genera. Mobulids have a reduction in ventral muscles, while rhinopterids and myliobatoids show an increase in muscular mass. A consensus tree shows a basal split into two groups. The first includes the family Gymnuridae with the genera Gymnura and Aetoplatea; this group is supported by seven synapomorphies, including: 27(1) ceratobranchialis fused proximally, 36(1) anterior lateral processes present in the synarcual, 52(0) quadratomandibularis internal muscle present. The second group is composed of the family Myliobatidae (Myliobatis, Aetomylaeus, Aetobatus, Rhinoptera, Mobula, and Manta), this group is supported by 11 synapomorphies, including: 5(1) first postorbital process fused with the second, 21(1) fused mandibular symphysis, 24(1) first hypobranchial cartilage absent, 48(2) epiaxialis muscle inserted in the cranial orbital region, 73(1) pectoral fins joined behind the orbital region. This study concluded that myliobatoids (Myliobatis, Aetomylaeus, and Aetobatus) integrate a monophyletic group which, unlike other phylogenies previously obtained, is the sister group of rhinopterids (Rhinoptera). Mobulids (Mobula and Manta) are the sister group of myliobatoids-rhinopterids.

Anatomia Comparada/métodos , Elasmobrânquios/anatomia & histologia , Filogenia , Animais , Especificidade da Espécie
Anat Rec A Discov Mol Cell Evol Biol ; 271(1): 259-72, 2003 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12552642


This article describes the anatomy of the dorsal and ventral cephalic musculature of Gymnura marmorata, G. micrura, Aetobatus narinari, Myliobatis californica, M. longirostris, Rhinoptera steindachneri, Mobula munkiana, and M. thurstoni. It was observed that muscles of the dorsal cephalic region showed little variation among species, with the exception of the dorsal longitudinal bundles and the cucullaris muscle. The ventral cephalic musculature showed wider differences, mainly in the depressor hyomandibulae, coracomandibularis, and mandibular adductor muscles. M. munkiana and M. thurstoni revealed a significant muscle reduction, while M. californica, M. longirostris, A. narinari, and R. steindachneri showed a significant development of the ventral cephalic musculature. The species in this comparative study were clearly grouped based on their feeding habits. Data gathered on the muscle arrangements correspond to other taxonomy studies conducted on these groups. However, the results of this study agree only partially with those from previously described phylogenetic models. Therefore, further phylogenetic research is recommended.

Peixes/anatomia & histologia , Cabeça/anatomia & histologia , Músculo Esquelético/anatomia & histologia , Animais , Evolução Biológica , Peixes/classificação , Brânquias/anatomia & histologia , Filogenia , Especificidade da Espécie